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Changing Lives Through Education

The Steve Sinnott Foundation

Steve Sinnott died suddenly in April 2008. He had devoted his working life and career to the achievement and provision of Education for All. As a teacher in Liverpool and Preston, and as General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, Steve's story was one of a commitment to education that grew to encompass ever greater spheres. From his Toxteth classroom to the Addis Ababa prison that held the president of the Ethiopian Teachers' Association to the halls of the United Nations and the Commonwealth Secretariat, where he pushed tirelessly for international cooperation to broaden access to education across the world; Steve's vision was that teachers, educators, local initiatives and international agencies could unite around a common goal: Education for All.

As he said when presenting the Hugh Gaitskell Memorial Lecture in 2007, “I think there are those who are hopeful supporters and activists for justice, human rights and equality; and there is the rest. Those who exude hope and optimism generate the energy and stimulate the progress that we in education and progressive teacher trade unionism, for example, work for. I find such people are as fascinated as I think I am by the liberating power of education in this country and across the world.”

The Steve Sinnott Foundation was established to continue and build upon his work.


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