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Is Education a Lost Cause?

Anyone who knows me knows that I am passionate about learning and could wax lyrical about how important education is and how we have to try our best to ‘get it right’. As I started to prepare to write this article; a task that asked me to list successes within education, I was shocked about what I learnt about myself … I lean towards pessimism!

Why is this? I launched into research and soon soothed myself by the fact that the human condition favours pessimism over optimism as it sounds more plausible. For example: tell someone that everything will work out fine and you will probably get a polite dismissal or platitude. Tell someone that they are in danger (or something serious is going wrong) and you will have their undivided attention!

I brought this insight with me to a recent lunchtime chat with a placement student of mine (who has recently left school) and her mentor. To their credit and good humour, they allowed me to ramble on until I asked them about their views on what has been a success within their own educational experience.


I took this as first hand proof of the human proclivity towards pessimism.

But when they answered in joint chorus, “knowing that my teacher cared for me”, I could not help but smile.

Pastoral care is a true and lasting success of education. Our children and young people come to our schools from a range of backgrounds and experiences but school is the constant; a place filled with people who are there just for them. Educational debate around the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is huge at the moment. I would champion its use in regards to personalising the learning experience or streamlining processes but it can never replace that which is most important - relationships. We all need and crave a deep sense of connection and belonging no matter what our age and stage.

With lunch over I wanted to find out more about the successes there have been within education over the years and with no one else to consult, I turned to my computer; a Large Language Model (LLM) to be precise. Immediately, as soon as I hit ‘enter’, a profound list of accomplishments appeared on screen:

  • More students than ever are in school
  • Technology is revolutionising education
  • Teaching has become more inclusive and innovative
  • We are learning to value teachers more (Are we? Sorry my pessimism needs to challenge this one!)
  • Education is adapting to global changes

My screen was positively overflowing with optimism. ‘Definitely not human’ I thought to myself. But the AI’s summary heading made me pause: ‘Embrace Creativity for the Next Frontier”.

This made me think. Creativity, alongside relationships, is another success of educational practice. We are all creative, either consciously or subconsciously, in whatever task we are doing and it is our role as educators to help our pupils be creative in design, thought or approach, especially in a world that is embracing technology more and more.

As I write, two alternate thoughts swirl within my mind:

Does educational progress happen too slowly to notice? Or do topical, educational trends occur too quick to ignore?

The latter would always make education a failure by default. All I know is that continued improvements within the education sector must be built upon evidence based research, utilising the learnings from cognitive science. For me, continued success within pedagogy must be formed upon knowing what works.

For the sake of having a balanced argument, I will end on an optimistic note:

“Rather than lamenting what’s not working, we should focus on what’s been built and how we can expand upon success. Education is not a lost cause—it’s a dynamic force that’s been evolving for the better over the past 15 years. Let’s continue to push it forward, not by fearing failure, but by embracing it as part of the process toward even greater achievements.” LLM 2024

Not too shabby, AI, not too shabby at all.


Bernard Noble is an educational consultant and founder of Learning Me. With a background as a school leader, pastoral care lead and SENDCO, he has expertise in pedagogy, educational policy, nurture, neurodiversity and learning disabilities. Passionate about holistic education, Bernard is a strong advocate for making emotional health and wellbeing strategies explicit.

Bernard Noble • February 24, 2025
By Hannah Frisch March 7, 2025
The outlook for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on global education is far from rosy. But a gloomy future isn’t inevitable. Disappointing statistics are the result of political choices that can be shifted and there are thousands of youth, grassroots activists and civil society organisations across the UK advocating for global education to make these changes. We need more people involved to build the momentum, we need to make a difference in challenging circumstances. You can help! Here’s how; Making global education a UK priority The UK is an important donor and champion for global education. However, education has been gradually deprioritised on the development agenda. Global education spending has plummeted from 13.5% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) in 2013 to just 3.5% in 2023, and education was one of the sectors hit hardest by the abandonment of the 0.7% gross national income (GNI) target for ODA. With Labour’s annual budget confirming another reduction in the aid budget, funding for global education is under threat of being cut even further unless we stand together to say this can’t happen. While education is a domestic priority for the new Government, it has yet to emerge as a strong theme in their development agenda. As the Labour Party continues to develop their approach there is a unique opportunity for advocates to connect these dots and make the case for why education must be a key part of the Government’s international plans. For the Government to take action it needs to hear demand for change. There are many issues MPs recognise are important, but if they do not hear about these issues from constituents it can be hard for MPs to be vocal about them in Parliament. Following an election where many parliamentary seats were won with tight margins, MPs need to hear from the people they represent that global education must be on their agenda. With over half of MPs elected for the first time this year, many are actively looking for a steer on what issues to work on. We can give them one! How to Get Involved Write to your MP about why global education needs to be a bigger priority for the UK Government and encourage members of groups you are a part of, such as your union branch or a local community group, to do the same. This can have a real impact on your MP’s interest and ability to act for global education. You can also connect with other grassroots activists and get resources for taking action from international development advocacy organisations like Results UK. You can learn more about Results UK’s grassroots network on our website. If you are a teacher, get your school involved in the Send My Friend to School Campaign (SMF). Send My Friend is a UK civil society coalition advocating for SDG4 which supports a mass UK schools campaign to amplify student voices calling for universal quality education in solidarity with their peers around the world. Free campaign packs are available on the SMF website for primary and secondary levels with everything teachers need to run the campaign in their school. Parliamentarians can learn more about education issues and how to act by joining the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Global Education, a cross-party group that brings together Parliamentarians interested in the right to education and provides them with knowledge and resources to be champions of the issue. By joining our voices through collective action, we can make a real difference in moving the needle on this issue. Together we have a chance to rechart the course for the realisation of quality education for all. BIOGRAPHY Hannah Frisch is the Senior Policy and Parliamentary Advocacy Officer for Education at Results UK and a Co-Chair of the Send My Friend to School Policy and Parliamentary Working Group. She is a policy advisor for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Global Education in the UK Parliament.
By Melanie Lavery March 3, 2025
Last year the Steve Sinnott Foundation supported the work of The Federation of Drama Schools by providing financial aid to new graduates, enabling them to take part in an industry showcase at The Abbey Theatre in Dublin. The showcase is an annual event for Irish graduates who have completed a professional training at one of the Federation’s partner conservatoires in the UK, introducing young actors to the industry they hope to work in. The Federation of Drama Schools partners are institutions that provide conservatoire vocational training for those who want to be professional performers, theatre makers and technical theatre practitioners. The courses they offer are for students of eighteen years and over, who have completed their school level education. In November (2024) fourteen young Irish graduates took part in the showcase and the SSF provided financial support to two graduates who may not otherwise have been able to take part in this showcase, which is a bridge between training and their professional career. Melanie Lavery from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama is one of those who benefitted from this support. Melanie writes of her experience. I would like to say a huge thank you to the Steve Sinnott Foundation for the support I received, making it possible for me to take part in the Dublin Showcase 2024. The opportunity allowed me to work with graduates from across FDS schools and widen my contacts in the industry. Coming from a socio-economically deprived area, I’ve often missed out on opportunities available to my peers. I have had to spend a lot of energy during my three years in drama school working to support myself and this has meant I often don’t have time to follow up network opportunities. In receiving this sponsorship and taking part in the showcase I have been able to connect with other Irish creatives - the people I am acting opposite, directors, casting directors and agents in the industry. These industry showcases are so important for graduates. It gives us the possibility of networking with industry professionals and hopefully the opportunity of taking that first crucial step into the profession we have trained for. As I studied in Wales, it gave me the chance to return to Ireland and to reach out to creatives there. The Foundation gave me this amazing opportunity to kick start my career in my home country. On the day of the showcase, I had such pride watching my fellow Irish peers performing on stage at Ireland’s National Theatre. Working together throughout the rehearsal period, I got to know them individually and we all helped each other to grow as performers. This showcase has helped me to create my own community of actors around me. When it came to talking with other creatives after the show case, I became so much more aware of how large and welcoming the industry is in Ireland and how much work is being produced here. I think this show case is so important as it highlights how vibrant and growing the industry is in Ireland. I feel so lucky that I was able to take part thanks to the help of the Steve Sinnott Foundation. For more information on the Federation of Drama Schools, professional industry showcases, and it’s partner schools please visit
By Karen Bunning February 28, 2025
Since 2015 we have developed and supported self-help groups for caregivers of children with disabilities in a rural part of Kenya. Currently we have 12 self-help groups with a membership of around 135. Through their participation in the self-help groups, the caregivers are empowered to take control of their lives by speaking up, supporting each other and acting to bring about positive changes. An extension of university-based research and development, we registered our work on self-help groups with the UK Charity Commission in August 2023. Our in-country partner is Walezi Foundation- a non-government funded organisation. The aim is to further develop the potential of selfhelp groups in Kilifi County, one of the poorest areas in Kenya, and to grow the number of groups supported. Long-term caregiving has been associated with fatigue, distress and poverty. Many feel helpless in the face of such challenges and very much alone. A combination of superstition, stigma and discrimination marginalises these families. Not only can these children be excluded from education, employment and contact with other villagers, the level of stigma is such that the caregiver’s shame may lead them to deny their child’s existence. This creates social isolation for both the caregiver and the child. In the beginning we listened to what people told us about their lived experiences: “People at home have very little to do with the child. The child is lonely most of the time and there is little assistance from family members and the community.” What do the self-help groups do? The self-help group members meet regularly. They share their experiences as caregivers and provide support for each other. Our partner NGO – Walezi Foundation – visits all the groups at regular intervals. The caregivers are supported to talk about: their personal situation and consider ways to support each other in the group; the inclusion of persons with disabilities in home and community events; encouraging more positive attitudes towards disability in the community; the importance of accessing education and health services; and practical solutions to relieve the challenges faced by them all in everyday life. Working together they register formally as a self-help group with the Kenyan government department of Social Development and embark on livelihood activities to alleviate their financial challenges. Since 2023 we have provided start-up funds for capital projects to expand the financial capacity of each group. Some of the projects that have been started include: livestock rearing, hiring large tents and chairs for community events and building a water tower for storing and selling water. Through this work we have shown that membership of a self-help group can bring about dramatic changes to the caregivers’ lives and those of their children with disabilities, including: development of essential skills for livelihood activities; growth in family income; increased social support; better access to health for all; more children with disabilities in education. Over the next three years we aim to expand our coverage of community-based self-help groups in Kilifi County, Kenya and roll out our mentorship scheme across other African countries. If you want to find out more about our work, please go to our website:
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