Education is a basic human right, and sometimes the obstacle to getting an education is simply that the school is hard to get to.
Some communities are very isolated and consequently some students have to walk 9km to school every day, that’s an 18km round trip. In one of the remote schools in the Lower River Region of The Gambia some of the children walk the equivalent of 50 miles a week to get to school and back. Long journeys to school result in students arriving late, being too tired to study when they are there and some students don’t enrol at school at all. Walking long distances in the heat can also be dangerous.
Bicycles enable students to get to school more easily, and safely. There is a huge impact on their performance at school too, as they are more able to study effectively.
When they received these bicycles the students were overjoyed. They are so keen to get an education, even if it does mean walking long distances to get there, but having a bicycle enables them to get far more out of their education.
Educators are also delighted to see the children at safely at school, on time and not too tired to work. They can enjoy teaching and see the children thrive.
If you want to support more children to cycle to school you can buy the gift of a bicycle here:
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